Geotechnical Investigation in Pune - KBPCIVIL Engineering

Geotechnical Investigation in Pune

Geotechnical Investigation in Pune is regarded as an essential part of the preliminary design of any construction project which determines the engineering (soil and rock mechanics), hydrological (groundwater) characteristics of the ground. It is fundamental to safe, efficient and economic development. We ensure that the Geotechnical Investigation in Pune is designed and implemented correctly to meet the project requirements. Where necessary, our multi-disciplined teams are able to integrate the scope of works to cover geotechnical concerns in order to provide a technically robust and cost-effective Geotechnical Investigation in Pune solution.
Our key areas of Geotechnical Investigation include:
Soil Investigation and Foundation Design
Trial Pit /Core Drilling
Rotary Boring/ Auger Boring
Offshore Drilling
Undisturbed & Disturb Sampling
Standard/ Dynamic Cone Penetration
Earth Resistivity Test
Plate Load Test
Field CBR Test
Pile Dynamic Test
Our Process
Natural Moisture Content
California Bearing Ratio
Proctor Compaction/ Direct Shear Test
Free Swell Index/ Atterberge Limit
Swelling Pressure